Tuesday, July 12, 2011

STATE OF THE 'E: Fight The Machine

Posted By: Robert Woodward Jr.

I'm sitting at home awaiting one of my favorite shows: WWE MONDAY NIGHT RAW!!! During the signature, I'm always promised "We Have A Great Show" and then we get into the meat of it.

Tonight, something strange happened. Something in my eyes I thought I wouldn't see for at least a couple more years. My 6 year old boy looked at me and said:

"I don't think I like this anymore."

I looked down at him completely shocked and obviously asked him why. His response was something I knew was coming but, possibly didn't want to happen.

"It's boring. All they do is talk. I wanna see them fight. I wanna see John Cena do what he did a few years ago."

Now, my son is one of the biggest Cena marks you will ever come across. I watch a lot of old school/attitude era/ruthless agression era in my household on any given day and he's obviously been exposed to "Heel" John Cena. This character we all lovingly refer to as "Super Cena" is definitely wearing thin. We the adults have known this for quite some time now but it seems like some kids may be coming around. In the last couple weeks he's gone more into liking different wrestlers. Hell, his action figures used to NEVER have another Champion other than Cena. I think his reign has been 3 years now. (Could you imagine that crap for real? My god!) Now, Morrison, Sheamus and CM Punk have all been Champion within the last couple weeks.

I'm nowhere near trying to base my one child's opinion on every other child's opinion but realistically, all it takes is just one to start the wheel. I'm not saying he's the one but, there will eventually be kids at the shows booing Cena. Then what would VKM do? When his cash cow is all dried out and no more can be squeezed from it, how will they handle the situation?

Cena's time is coming. One way or another either his career will be done or he'll turn heel. I cannot forsee him staying this same way for much more longer. We all know when he was in The Nexus that would have been the best heel turn in quite some time but, that was at the beginning of the Bullying campaign... BECAUSE of The Nexus, they had to show that THE 'E wouldn't stand for it. They did and effectively killed the generation of what could have been a huge monster.

Either way, as adults we've been tired of this for quite some time now and we've been frothing at the mouth for a change. I wonder if VKM even notices anything other than the dollar signs flashing when Cena walks?

Everyone knows that I am a mark for THE 'E and I will defend them on a lot of things. Personally, I've felt for the last month and a half, let alone the whole year, the quality has been there but apparently a lot of people feel differently.

I cannot defend THE 'E on this one though, in my personal opinion John Cena needs a change. I'm liking the direction of the actual company itself as I displayed in my last blog.

But based on the knowledge that my son, a huge Cena mark is yearning for something more when he's supposed to be the "demographic" they're aiming for now... how does this work into their plans? Will more kids start to feel this way? How much longer can they ride this current train until it falls off the tracks?

As usual, leave some comments and remarks. Let me know what you're feeling. And like always... see ya' soon!

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