Monday, July 18, 2011


POSTED BY: ROBERT WOODWARD JR. posted the following today, regarding Sin Cara…

In accordance with its Talent Wellness Program, WWE has suspended Luis Ignascio Urive Alvirde (Sin Cara) for 30 days for his first violation of the company's policy.

1 comment:

  1. What i find interesting here is this very well may be the most expensive 30 day suspension ever. When WWE suspends a wrestler and posts these reports on their website they use the wrestler's real name. Sin Cara (formerly Mistico) is a masked wrestler who comes from Mexico where u can make tons of money off losing your mask in a match. If Sin Cara ever left WWE and went back to Mexico he'd probably be returning to the Mistico gimmick, and even though we haven't seen his face would losing his mask now with his idenity revealed earn him as much as it would of previously?
